Now that the New Year is here, it is time to make some plans for training. Below is information about the first of three scheduled training seminars Mcminn ACS is offering to the community. You do not have to be a member of ACS to attend. These seminars are free and will be taught at the Mcminn County EOC located at 1107 S. Congress Pkwy. Athens, TN. Seating is limited, so get there early.
The first seminar is right around the corner, January 11th. It starts in the EOC at 9:00am and will conclude at 12:00pm There will be coffee, cookies and doughnuts. Plan on attending. Bring your radio, laptop and sound-card or TNC you would like to set up for PACKET with you. We will either help you set it up, or give you detailed instructions for your particular rig. PACKET is a tried and true form of communication and is a lot of fun. Yes, PACKET is commonly used for “chit-chat” or “rag-chewing” as amateurs call it. Bobby has a PACKET NODE set up on the Athens area and is actively seeking users on the system. He will be setting up his station in the EOC for all to see. PACKET is not that complicated, great for new Technicians and old timers as well. Want to know more before you attend the seminar? Check out the “Radio Active Net” Bobby holds every Thursday night on 146.820, hosted by the Mcminn County Amateur Radio Club. Give Bobby a shout and he will fill you in on all the details.
January 11th, 9am-12pm, Mcminn EOC
How to put together a VHF PACKET station
taught by: Robert (Bobby) Murphy W4BKX
Other seminars and events coming in the next few weeks, months are:
January 25th, 9am-12pm, McMinn EOC
How to put together a WINLINK station
taught by: Kenny Witt a.k.a. KiloWatt
February 15th, 9am-12pm, Mcminn EOC
How to put together a VHF APRS station
taught by: David Baker KG4OJL
MARCH MOUNTAIN MADNESS (every Saturday in March, rain or shine) No seminars this month, as Mountain Toppers go to the mountains every Saturday in March; rain, sleet, snow or sunshine for some challenging outdoor adventure. Additionally the annual “Light up the Hiwassee” is held the last Saturday in March, where simplex stations from Hiwassee Dam, NC to Calhoun, TN (and beyond) attempt a 2 meter, simplex “SID” net. Not on the Mountain Topper email list. Reply back to this address and ask to be included.
April 12th, 9am-12pm, Mcminn EOC
Annual Watts Bar Emergency Worker Training (mandatory training for MCMINN ACS)
Cameron Balaban, Mcminn FNF Planner, Instructor
Whether you are an ACS member or not, plan on attending some or all of these events. Mcminn County EMA has just completed the installation of some of the latest digital “white boards” in the EOC. These make presentations easy and more informative to the attendee.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Kenny Witt, Mcminn County ACS coordinator,
or as my friends call me: KiloWatt