The joint MARC and MCARES POTA Potluck event was a great success! Perhaps another POTA Potluck… err.. “POTAluck 2024” (?!?) will be in the works?
From Mike/KK6OKU, MCARES Emergency Coordinator/District 8 Assistant District Emergency Coordinator:
Following is a personal note from me and under that is a e mail from Sharron…
Wonderful turn out for the MARC Meeting and POTA Potluck @ K-2946 Fort Loudoun St Park. It was really nice that Rick and Donna attended (NV5A the sign man)
Mike KQ4HOM and his wife did an outstanding job on the grills for us.
Thanks also to those that helped move all the boxes and boxes of food and supplies.
What a selection of food we had. I mean it was all fantastic!Congratulations 🎈🍾🎉🎊 to Stan (KD9PKO) for winning the 50/50 drawing.
6 operators tried and 6 operators activated the park successfully!
Stan KD9PKO 18
John KB4TV 17
Mike KQ4HOM 12
Mike KK6OKU 25
Rick NV5A 16
Paul KG4G 19
The bands were good to us and all were working pileups on 20 meters. All averaged a little over an qso a minute. Outstanding!Great food gr8 job all Thanks, it was good to c all with their families and heck I even got to do some ballon animals for the kids. Shades of my DJ days.
I have 2 chairs that are not mine ended up at the qth. If you’re missing 2 please let me know.
Thank you all again for making the event so successful!
Michael Wagner KK6OKU 🦄
Monroe County ARES EC
From Sharron/W4WIF, MARC Secretary:
Thanks to everyone who came and made today’s joint event a great success. Great weather, great food, and great conversations. Special thanks to Mike Neyenhaus KQ4HOM for being our grill master for the day – Great job, Mike.
Rough estimate on the total number attending is 41. We will have a final count once Mike KK6OKU and I get all the photos compiled.
Thanks for all the help getting all the food organized and served, for helping bring supplies and gear from the car and for clean-up and helping get everything back to the respective vehicles. You all deserve a pat on the back.
Worn out by the time we got home and got the food items out of the car (the rest of the gear will wait til tomorrow!). Took a few hours to recoup, but I wanted to let you all know who the winner of the 50-50 raffle was. Congratulations to Stan Bednarek KD9PKO. Steve W4YJ sends his thanks for everyone who participated in the raffle.
Sharron Fritts W4WIF
MARC Secretary
Finally, here’s some pictures for everyone to enjoy… if you have any to add to the collection, please send them to me and I’ll post them!