The ARRL and Logbook of the World were cyberattacked last Thursday, May 16th. Bleeping Computer, a well known resource in the IT realm for reporting news as well as publishing guides and providing downloads for applications used to mitigate viruses, malware, phishing and cyberattacks, reported the news on Sunday, May 19th.

The ARRL first reported the issues on Thursday, May 16th, and provided an update on Friday.

The ARRL press releases can be found here –

ARRL Systems Service Disruption
Updated 5/17/2024
Some members have asked whether their personal information has been compromised in some way. ARRL does not store credit card information anywhere on our systems, and we do not collect social security numbers. Our member database only contains publicly available information like name, address, and call sign along with ARRL specific data like email preferences and membership dates.
Original story below:

We are in the process of responding to a serious incident involving access to our network and headquarters-based systems. Several services, such as Logbook of The World® and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected. Please know that restoring access is our highest priority, and we are expeditiously working with outside industry experts to address the issue. We appreciate your patience.

This story will be updated with new developments.


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